CES Kenya director one of Top 40 Women

One of CES Kenya’s Board of Directors, Her Honour Judge Aziza Ajwang, has been named one of the Top 40 Under 40 Women by Africa Business Daily!!!

Aziza’s father, Rejab Mwenje, was a founding member of CES Kenya board and served as Vice Chairman of CES Kenya for ten years. Aziza sponsored some CES students shortly after her father’s death in 2013. She later accepted the invitation of Malik Khaemba and Michael Frederiksen to join the CES Kenya board.

As a lawyer and Judge, Aziza brings her legal expertise to the CES Kenya board. She has been a big support to our students, particularly our girls, over the years.  

One example of her support was her help to one of our students, Milridah Ayuma Ominde, who was caught in the horrifying terrorist attack on Garissa University College in 2015, which killed 147 students. Milridah was unharmed in the attack, but needed help with moving forward Aziza, along with other members of the CES family including CESCED Principal Patricia Makori, helped Milridah recover. 

You can read more about Aziza and her work with CES in the book about CES, Under the Acacia Tree.

Aziza Ajwang, left, with CESCED Principal Patricia Makori, right


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