Meet Dennis Were, high-achieving CES graduate

Dennis Were (pronounced “WER-ay,”) one of the students CES has sponsored through secondary school and university, is a remarkable young man. Two years ago, while beginning his work with the Kenya Red Cross, Dennis decided to take steps to solve an issue he’d seen with many of his fellow students – girls and young women who did not have access to sanitary towels, which is the Kenyan term for menstrual pads.

Without access to these products, many female students miss school several days each month, holding them back. Re-using towels without adequate washing can result in infection (in a future HR, we’ll look into the issue of menstrual aids and how CES helps with this). 

 In 2020, Dennis decided to request gifts for his birthday. These were gifts he’d never use himself. He wanted packets of sanitary towels, or money to buy them, that he’d then donate to youth organizations that helped girls and young women. So that’s what he does – each year he makes this highly unusual but empathetic gift, improving the lives of many young Kenyans. The towels are distributed through recognized social service agencies.

 Dennis has developed a solid career in public development and assistance, as you can see in a video about Dennis. Since this video was made, he’s achieved a full-time job as County Coordinator managing the Meru Branch of the Red Cross.


Click here to learn more about Dennis, in his own words.


"We Live in Hope"​


Volunteer profile: Charles Mayenga, Director, CES Canada