Bar of Soap - Makes All the Difference

Furaha in swahili means "joy and great happiness"... we find our happiness in lots of things, but hardly in a bar of soap. Soap is something you use every day - several times a day in fact. You can't get by without it. So what's the big deal with soap?

During a recent trip to Kenya I kept asking students what they really needed besides the opportunity to attend school. Time after time the same response...a bar of soap. One young student from Buhayi SS said, "My aunt cannot provide soap for her family of ten and the only soap I have is at school where I share with fifty others."

Good oral health, hand washing and the ability to launder their school uniforms can improve health, decrease risk of communicable illness and thus keep students in school where they can continue to be successful. Healthy beautiful skin and smiles would provide CES students with the comfort and confidence they need to continue on the path of leadership and growth within their school and community.

It's hard to be confident in a work or learning environment when a shower is a luxury and a weekly sponge bath is the only option. Most of our students have never experienced a warm bath or hot water shower. So here's what we provide in the hygiene of soap, bathing soap, shoe polish, skin cream and moisturizer, tooth paste, tooth brush, soap dish, roll-on deodorant and sanitary pads for the girls.

Our students work hard to focus on their studies while lacking in what by Canadian standards are considered essential items. Good oral health, hand washing and the ability to launder their school uniforms can improve health, decrease risk of communicable illness and thus keep students in school where they can continue to be successful.

A gift of $15.00 CAN provides: soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, deodorant, laundry soap, skin protection/moisturizer and shoe polish in a gift bag for one student. Each of our students will receive their own Hygiene Health Kit.

To donate visit our Donation Page


My Friend Billy


Maybe In My Next Life