Maybe In My Next Life

The story of CES Canada in Kenya is intertwined with the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Charity Challenge. Since 2008, Team CES has been running/walking distances from the Marathon to the Half –– the 10 Km and the 5Km Run. It's a story that includes 1,000 education scholarships for needy youth in Kenya. Other threads include the 2013 –– 140 Km Kenya Peace Run, the Canada Day Run in Kakamega Kenya, the miracle of the Omwenga family coming to Canada, CES Sports Ambassador Gilbert Kiptoo's leadership, and different runs in Toronto over the past 14 years.

There is no doubt that all things come together for good when least expected. The theme, "Little is much when love is in it" shows us all what teamwork can do. What it all comes down to in the end is most aptly understood by the African proverb: “If you want to run fast, run alone –– if you want to run far, run together.” And yes, we have done it together! 


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