CES mentor helps student out of a sticky situation

All of our students come from low-income families – what many of them describe as “humble” backgrounds. We want to give opportunities to young people who might not otherwise have them. What this means is that in many cases, our students are the first in their families to attend university. With their parents unable to guide them, they rely on the CES family for help.

Recently, CESCED Principal Patricia Makori, Office Superintendent Sarah Nabongo, and our Alumni organized a mentoring programme. A recent graduate or senior university student is paired with a just-starting-out university student, to help them deal with challenging situations.

Branice Wanjala, first year student at Masinde Muliro University, is a participant in the mentorship programme. In this video, Branice talks about a situation her mentor helped her with. To hear Branice’s story, Click here.


How we help our students focus on studying


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