Happy 100th Birthday to CES Supporter Win Fisher!

Some call her Win - others call her Freddie. And those who have had the privilege of meeting Winnifred Fisher, will not hesitate to say, “Now there is a grand lady.”

On February 25, 2023 Win officially was promoted to be a ‘centenarian’, 100 years young. She was recently interviewed by CTV News in North Bay where she currently lives. Her advice was to keep active, no smoking, get 8-9 hours of sleep every night, and taking each day as it comes.” She further went on to say, “I never expected to reach it, but here I am and it doesn’t feel any different.”

Born in 1923 in Timmins, Ontario, she later moved to Toronto where she worked in an ammunition factory during WWII. Win was for many years a highly regarded employee of Campbell Soup Company. Win has been a dedicated volunteer in her community with Great Finds, Stonegate Ministries, helping those new to Canada to have high quality used clothing to wear.  Customers have timed their shopping for the day when Win was volunteering, just to have an uplifting visit with this dear lady. She has such a caring heart and quietly comes alongside whenever she is aware of a need, doing whatever needs to be done and providing comfort and encouragement.

Win volunteered for several years serving hot dinners to homeless people at her local Out of the Cold program.  She would sit and chat with the guests and got to know them all.  As a result, you would often find her visiting with them on a neighbourhood street corner if she happened to run into them.  Usually lots of smiles and laughter ensued.

She has a passion for reading and routinely encourages children and young people to read books. Win has donated many books which are distributed through the Children’s Book Bank in Toronto.

As a member of Kingsway Baptist Church, she enjoyed meetings with the Diamonds, a seniors group of lifelong learners with a passion to serve.  It was through this group that Win and others knitted hundreds of comfort dolls that were perfect for the orphaned kids we work with in Kenya. In fact, at 100 years of age, she continues to knit. Thousands have been sent to different countries, bringing smiles to many faces.

Win continues to be a strong supporter of CES Canada in Kenya. On November 30, 2012, Win Fisher received special recognition at the Harambee Appreciation Awards Event as our most senior contributor and volunteer. Each Christmas Win would ask, “what is your project for our kids this year?” Win has provided funding for student backpacks, solar study lamps and more recently, hygiene kits for our CES students.

Happy birthday Win! Your story is extraordinary, and you have set a high bar for us all. Thanks for your love to Kenyan youth and for your faithful partnership as a CES volunteer.


Join us for the CES family gathering in Toronto on 27 May


Update on the CES Peer Mentoring Program - Building Relationships