Update on the CES Peer Mentoring Program - Building Relationships
Peer Mentoring describes what CES has always believed in, that education scholarships and personal followup and support are necessary for students to achieve success.
Our graduating students face a huge challenge in their transition from secondary to post secondary studies. Most will need to leave the comfort of their rural village to join others in larger urban settings. In short, they will benefit from the experience of CES Alumni who have already been where they are. The CES Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) is all about building relationships through frequent communications and counselling.
Mentors will encourage young people in their growth and development, providing life skills and advice based on personal experience. Fourteen (14) mentors have volunteered for the PMP. All have completed the CESCED Leadership Training program as well as workshops and on-line instructions on what it means to be a ‘Peer Mentor’. They are connected with the 26 recent CES secondary school graduates who are now or soon will be in a position to continue their education at college or university.
CES Kenya Administrator Sarah Nabongo, left, introduces the CES Mentorship Programme along with CESCED Principal Patricia Makori
Each mentor is working with one or two ‘mentees’. Their task is to chat on a weekly basis, to review what’s happening, and plan for the upcoming week. Interactions will help the mentors understand challenges mentees are facing through their daily lives or academic journey. This will enable the mentors to plan the next steps towards helping the mentees achieve their goals through action steps, sharing lessons from personal experience, and serving as a link to people and resources. It is also a good way for mentors to ‘give back’ to the community.
The exciting aspect of this program is that it keeps alive the concept of the CES Family of friends. What could be better than peers working together - helping one another to succeed - building relationships and in some cases, friendships that will last a lifetime.