Share a gift of HOPE this Christmas! 

Whether it's an individual gift for a family member, a teacher, a friend, or to a charity you believe in, there are many ways to extend love to people around the globe this Christmas.

Through a CES scholarship, you can help one student in Kenya to achieve a secondary school diploma and move on to higher learning. Each will also at Christmas receive a hygiene kit beautifully gift wrapped and personally delivered to their CES school in western Kenya. A bar of soap, toothbrush and other personal items in the hygiene kit are not taken for granted. 

Education is the key to future success and career opportunity. It is a long journey and as we walk alongside - we offer HOPE. 

Your gift of $30 will purchase three hygiene kits. A monthly donation of $30 will pay school fees for an entire year. Visit to make your contribution. 


Gammaliel Kanenje: from humble beginnings


CES graduate Busuku Musli builds community health