Everyone can make a difference... get involved today!
It all begins with an idea. We all want to do something but it can be difficult to know where to start and how to get involved. At CES there are plenty of ways you can partner with us to make a difference.
Ideas to consider:
Starting a CES Canada chapter in your community
Volunteering at CES events
Fundraising through dinner parties, bake sales, garage sales, runs and walks for charity, church and school fund drives etc.
Providing a special gift contribution in memory of or to honour an individual
Combining your donation with an employer's matching gift program
Supporting a student(s) at one of 14 CES schools
Forwarding a poem, article or photo for website publication
Being a friend of CES Canada on Facebook
Signing up to receive the Harambee Report E-Newsletter
Encouraging friends to join you in supporting CES Canada
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Volunteer in KENYA
Volunteering your services in the CES Kenya school community can be a life-changing experience.
Education Partnerships
Canadian schools are creating cross-cultural learning experiences through fundraising drives that involve a class of students, a school club or the entire school. Donations of athletic wear, running shoes and eyewear glasses show students they have the power to make a change for needy youth. "Kids Helping Kids" has been a strong theme for CES at both primary and secondary schools.
Start a CES Canada Chapter
The definition of a chapter is a small group of people who commit to raising education funds for at least one CES scholar in Kenya. Several Canadian chapters across Canada have created a focus point for local fundraising events. These have included Calgary AB, Thunder Bay, Ottawa and Rosseau ON, as well as Kyoto Japan.